Creating accessible Web pages

The right to access public information in an accessible format is no longer a luxury, but is legally required. More and more institutions and organisations are obliged to make their communication accessible. For this reason, knowledge about creating accessible document formats has become mandatory for information providers and their service providers.

However, the topic of accessibility is complex. This training offers an introduction to creating accessible websites for beginners. After the course, each participant should be able to determine the level of accessibility of their communication and improve it accordingly.

  • Participants
  • 4 - 8
  • Languages
  • English, German, Luxembourgish
  • Duration
  • 6h
  • Difficulty
  • Beginner

The contents

  • Introduction: what is accessibility?
    • Target groups and barriers
    • Accessibility vs. usability
    • Assistive technology
    • Testing accessibility with a screenreader
  • Practical demonstration
    • Navigating a web page with a screen reader
  • The W3C standards
    • Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
    • Accessible Rich Internet Applications
  • WCAG
    • Semantic elements
    • Code elements for screen readers
    • Alternative texts
    • Links
    • Keyboard navigation
    • Forms
    • Multilingual documents
  • ARIA
    • Roles, properties and state information
    • Landmarks
    • Complex user interface elements: pop-ups, tabs, modals, …
    • Frameworks
  • Testing accessibility
    • Theorectical analysis (software tools)
    • Practical analysis
  • Comparing with PDF accessibility (short)
    • What makes a PDF accessible?
  • Motivation
    • Laws related to accessibility


  • The participants should be experienced in the domain of web development. Basic knowledge on how to code HTML and CSS is required.


  • The slides of the training will be handed out to the participants in a digital format after the training.


  • 6 hours


  • On request this training can be organised at the location of the client. Details on request.